American Pool

American Pool articles.

English Pool vs american pool: What’s the difference?

Billiards is a versatile sport with numerous variations, each with its unique rules and style of play. Among these, English ...
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Straight Pool Records

Straight Pool, also known as 14.1 Continuous, is one of the most challenging and rewarding cue sports. Its very essence ...
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How to pick the Right Pool Cue Weight

Mastering the game of pool requires not only skill and technique but also the right equipment. One of the most ...
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The Best Pool Cues for Intermediate Players

Whether you’re stepping up from being a casual player or fine-tuning your skills, the right pool cue can make a ...
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Pool Cue Shafts: A Guide to Materials, Brands, Prices and Choosing the Best Shaft

A pool cue’s shaft is its beating heart – the engine driving the tip to strike with unerring accuracy. Yet ...
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What are the Different Parts of a Pool Cue?

To the casual observer, a pool cue may appear quite simple – a long stick used to strike balls. But ...
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What is the Best Pool Chalk? Top Chalk Brands for Cue Tips

Serious pool players know that chalk is an essential accessory. Chalking your cue tip before shots provides grip and prevents ...
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The Best Wrap Material for a Pool Cue

A pool cue wrap establishes your grip and provides an intimate connection during your stroke. With choices from leather to ...
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Pool Tips for Beginners: How to improve your game

Playing pool looks easy when watching experienced players effortlessly sink balls with perfect position play. But for beginners first learning ...
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Finding the Correct Pool Cue Length Based on Your Height

One of the most important factors in maximizing your pool skills is using a cue with the proper length. But ...
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