The Best Wrap Material for a Pool Cue

A pool cue wrap establishes your grip and provides an intimate connection during your stroke. With choices from leather to specialty fabrics, selecting the ideal wrap material can be confusing. This guide explores popular cue wrap types, top brands, pricing, and how to pick the perfect wrap for your playing style.

Discover your ideal grip feel to elevate control, consistency, and connection with your cue. Read on to grasp the wrap factors that separate ordinary cues from trusty competitive partners.

Role of the Wrap on a Pool Cue

Before assessing specific materials, let’s examine the wrap’s importance for your cue:

  • Provides grip and traction during your stroke to prevent slippage.
  • Absorbs moisture from your bridge hand to avoid changes in grip during play.
  • Impacts tactile stroke feel and feedback based on texture.
  • Influences grip security when applying spin/English using an open bridge hand.
  • Contributes to personalized style through inlays and artistic craftsmanship.
  • Protects shaft wood underneath from wearing down due to abrasive bridges and gripping.

A quality wrap doesn’t just facilitate your grip – it should feel like an extension of your body. Test various materials to discover your ideal tactile experience.

Popular Pool Cue Wrap Materials

Cue makers utilize a range of materials for the critical wrap area. Here are the most common options and their traits:

Leather Wrap

The classic choice, available in diverse grades and feels:

  • Varieties like cowhide, pigskin, and snakeskin
  • Smooth or pebbled textures
  • Natural grip with hand oils
  • Requires periodic maintenance
  • Improves stroke control on finesse shots
  • Costs $50-150+ for quality custom leather

Irish Linen Wrap

Known for moisture absorption:

  • Made from high-grade flax linen
  • Very absorbent to dry sweaty hands
  • Softens grip compared to leather
  • Intricate embroidered designs possible
  • Lower maintenance than leather
  • Around $70-120 for custom linen wraps

Synthetic Leather Wrap

A modern alternative to genuine leather:

  • Made from polymer blends
  • It Mimics the look and feel of real leather
  • More resistant to wear and moisture
  • Generally less expensive than real leather
  • Provides consistent gripping surface
  • Costs $40-100 for quality synthetic leather

Rubber Wrap

Sporty, non-slip choice:

  • Made from rubber polymer compounds
  • Provides a tacky, tenacious grip
  • Withstands humidity well
  • Easy to clean after use
  • Can feel stiff or tacky to some
  • Costs $20-60 based on rubber grade

Nylon/Polyester Wrap

Lightweight and durable:

  • Woven nylon or polyester fibers
  • Very strong and resistant to wear
  • Low maintenance
  • Reduced moisture absorption
  • Less grip than leather or rubber
  • Around $30-70 for synthetic fabric wraps

Don’t limit yourself – try different wrap materials to experience the impacts on your stroke and control.

Notable Pool Cue Wrap Brands

Many cue makers offer quality wrap options. Here are some of the most recognized names:

McDermott Handcrafted Leather Wraps

Top-grade cowhide with intricate custom designs.

Cuetec Leather Wraps

Smooth, consistent high-grade leather wrappings.

Predator Leather Wraps

Available in a range of leather textures and finishes.

Mezz Leather Wraps

Hand-stitched lambskin leather wrappings made in the USA.

Lucasi Hybrid Wraps

Combining leather with other materials like Irish linen.

Outlaw Cues Polyester Wraps

Soft, durable woven nylon for excellent control.

Viking Cue Rubber Wraps

Super tacky vulcanized rubber for confident grip security.

PureX Custom Cues Irish Linen Wraps

Elegant Compton linen grips with beautiful embroidery options.

Again, personal trial and error is the only way to determine which brand’s offerings best suit your preferences.

Pool Cue Wrap Pricing

Quality wrap materials and expert installation don’t come cheap. Here are typical price ranges:

  • Basic nylon or synthetic leather: $20-60
  • Standard leather or linen: $50-120
  • Exotic/premium leathers: $120-250+
  • Intricate custom embroidery: $100-200+ add-on
  • Unique inlaid accents: $75-150 add-on
  • Multi-material combinations: $75-150+ add-on

Budget wraps still perform fine but won’t stand the test of time or match the richness of finer materials.

Consider the entire cue cost when factoring in price – a $200 wrap on a $2000 cue is reasonable for the added benefits.

How to Select the Ideal Pool Cue Wrap

Choosing the perfect wrap involves three steps:

Analyze Your Grip Needs

Consider if you require extra tackiness, ventilation, moisture absorption, or longevity. Know the weak points of your current grip.

Browse Options Extensively

Don’t limit your search – be open to trying diverse materials in all price ranges. Many shops have display cues you can handle.

Order Sample Wraps Before Committing

Before spending big on a forever cue, order inexpensive wrap samples in your top choices to test drive. Ensure the texture and gripping meet your standards before investing in a permanent wrap.

Make an informed decision based on wrapping up your play style needs rather than assumptions. Don’t rush the process of finding your ideal mating of hand and grip.

Factors in Choosing Cue Wrap Length

Beyond material, proper wrap length ensures balance and leverage without limiting your stroke. The ideal length depends on:

  • Your hand size – Larger hands need longer wraps for secure gripping.
  • Bridge distance – More forward bridges allow shorter rear wraps.
  • Stroke mechanics – Long draw strokes need ample space for rear hand migration.
  • Weight balance preferences – Longer wraps shift balance rearward.
  • Decorative considerations – Intricate inlays may need adequate real estate.

Typical wrap lengths range between 10 to over 20 inches. Ensure your choice doesn’t cramp your style.

Maintaining and Caring for Wrap Materials

Certain wrap materials like leather require proactive maintenance for longevity and performance.

Leather Wrap Care

  • Periodically apply a leather conditioner to avoid drying and cracking.
  • Gently remove grime with a clean damp cloth. Avoid harsh cleaners.
  • Replace when heavily worn or tattered. Fresh leather restores traction.

Irish Linen Wrap Care

  • Spot clean minor stains with a gentle fabric cleaner.
  • Avoid over-wetting linen since it absorbs liquid easily.
  • Replace if fraying or tears appear.

Rubber and Synthetic Wraps

  • Clean occasionally by gently wiping down with a damp cloth.
  • Replace if textures becomes too slick or smooth.
  • Avoid chemical cleaners that may degrade polymers.

With proper care, quality wraps provide years of reliable grip and feel.

Common Pool Cue Wrap Customization Options

Beyond materials, customized wraps allow personal expression through:

  • Creative colors and dying
  • Custom embroidered designs, names or symbols
  • Decorative engraved patterns
  • Precious metals and gemstone inlays
  • Photographic image integration
  • Contrasting dual-material combinations
  • Finger groove indentations for added grip

Take cues from your hobbies, interests, or competitive calling cards to inspire bespoke wraps that reflect identity.


A cue wrap establishes intimacy and trust between you and your equipment. That’s why world-class players obsess over meticulously testing and selecting grips suited to their exact preferences.

Don’t be afraid to invest time exploring alternatives through samples and test cues. Dial in texture, length, material, and customization until the cue becomes a natural extension of your arm.

By fully optimizing your tactile connection, you remove barriers to translating innate skill into effortless execution. Your ideal wrap awaits somewhere. Seek it out and feel the confidence of unrestricted capability channeled straight from your heart through your grip.

Youtube Wrap Video

Video about the different wraps available from David Siltz
About the author

Hey there, I’m Vincent Lauria, and welcome to my cue sports blog! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m the prodigious pool player from the movie “The Color of Money,” played by the one and only Tom Cruise.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Vincent, you’re just a fictional character!” But let me tell you, I’m more real than you think. Sure, my story may have been written for the screen, but my passion for the game of pool is as real as it gets.

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